1/14/21 Parent Communication

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Good afternoon, Parents/Guardians,

With your child returning to in-person learning on the 19th, I wanted to take this opportunity to send out one more communication with important information regarding in-person return to learning.  If your child is in our full time online program, you are receiving this update in error, please disregard it as it does not impact your child.  


Return to In-Person Learning Schedule

Your child will be learning in person Monday-Thursday.  On Fridays, your child will continue learning remotely following the 2nd Semester Zoom class schedule we’ve been using since January 6th.



Again this semester, your child has been placed into a grade level cohort ranging from 22-25 students.  Your child will remain with this group of students from the beginning of the school day until the end with the exception being taken to their electives.  Much like last semester, your child’s elective teacher will pick them up and take them to their elective classrooms.  Rooms will again continue to be sanitized throughout the day, and hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms.   


A Day in the Life of a Mustang...2nd Semester

When entering school grounds, it is our expectation that your child wears his/her mask on their face and student id around their neck.  Student ids allow staff to identify students and are used for lunch.  Our staff will be ready to receive students at each door promptly at 7:10 a.m. Please do not drop your child off prior to this time as there will be no supervision. 

Upon entering their grade level cohort door (see map in January 8th Parent Newsletter), our staff will check their temperature using our new scanners.  Your child will stand in front of the scanner (it looks like an iPad), and wait for their temperature to be taken.  If your child has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, we will ask the parent/guardian to return to school to pick him/her up.  I cannot stress enough how important it is that your child remain home if they have any COVID symptoms.  Erring on the side of caution in order to maintain the safety of all our Mustangs and staff is strongly encouraged.  

Mask and social distancing will still be required while on school grounds.  Please remind your child to pack an extra mask in the event it breaks.


Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast and lunch will be provided in a “grab and go” style.  Breakfast is FREE for all students and will be located at each entry for your child to take as they make their way to their 1st period class.  For lunch, your child MUST have their student ids in order to receive a meal.  Lunches are FREE for all students as well.  Touchpads will no longer be used since the new system is now contactless.  If your child loses their id, please notify the front office immediately.  A $5.00 replacement cost will be issued, and the id will be replaced once the fine is paid. 

For the month of January, all Mustangs will be eating lunch in their cohort classrooms.  Your child will be in an assigned seat in their cohort room.  In order to maintain our safety protocols as much as possible,  we felt this was necessary at this point in time.  We will be re-evaluating it at the end of the month.

On Fridays, your child may pick up lunch at Milliken Elementary School and Roosevelt High School in the bus drive thru lane between 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have prior to the 19th.


Aspen Sanders
