Summer School 2021!

Weld RE-5J Families,

We would appreciate your feedback on your interest in Summer School and day-care needs for this summer. We want to continue to work together for the good of our students and families. Please complete the short interest form below.

Summer School this year will be IN PERSON, though masks will continue to be required. Summer School is also being offered FREE of charge. Classes will follow a Project Based Learning format, offering a Project Based Learning Scenario for each session. There will be two sessions this summer, one in June from 6/7-6/24 and one in July from 7/12-7/29. Classes will be held Monday thru Thursday from 8:30a-11:30a with an option for extended day at the YMCA for a price. The school district will provide transportation.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Summer School Flyer