Weld RE-5J Will Be Closed from Monday, March 16th, 2020 - Friday, April 3rd, 2020

Dear Weld RE-5J Families and Staff,

As we shared with you yesterday, we have been in constant contact with the Weld County Health Department, the Colorado Department of Education, and the CDC in regards to the community spread of the COVID-19 virus in Colorado.  As the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) virus continues to spread throughout our state, we will be taking the extreme measure of closing schools in the Weld RE-5J school district starting on Monday, March 16th through our spring break, which ends April 3rd.  If we have to remain closed after our spring break, we will let you know as we get closer to that date.

Our staff will be sending home any school supplies, medications, and technology today.  If you did not attend school today and cannot pick these items up, please contact your child's teacher and principal and they will make arrangements with you early next week for item pick up.  We will be prepared to do drive-through pickups on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  No parent/student will be allowed within our buildings during our closed periods.

We will have a Grab 'N Go feeding station at Milliken Elementary School each day of our closure from 11am-Noon for every family with children in our community.  We will have people there each week day where families can drive through during this time and we will hand each child (ages 1 through 18 years old) a sack containing a lunch (sandwich, chips, fruit and a milk) and a breakfast for the next morning (breakfast pastry and juice).  Kids must be present with their parents/guardians to receive the meals.  Parents will not need to get out of the cars during this time and can show up each day for this service.  You do not need to be a Milliken Elementary School student/parent to receive this benefit.  This is open to all children in our community aged 1-18 years of age for all schools (KQA included).

Before/After School Care has been suspended for YMCA at Pioneer Ridge and at any other daycare that uses our school facility to provide this service.  Please call your daycare provider if you have questions on being open or closed during this time.  

Any after school athletics and games are cancelled until at least April 6th.  Students may not come in groups to practice at the schools, the tracks, or the baseball fields.  Our district will remain closed throughout this shut down and that includes any athletics, per CHSAA regulations.  Coaches may not hold any voluntary practices as well.

During this time that we are not in school, we are encouraging all students to participate in enrichment activities that were planned/will be planned by their teacher.  Although these enrichment activities cannot be graded, we would ask that you continue the learning at home with your child.  A list of free resources can be found here:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1NUKLZN7hGSu1Hzm70kfzBKs-lsSE...
Parent conference sign-up sheets will be going around soon.  Please make sure you sign up to talk with your child's teacher via the phone.  We will not be doing in-person parent conferences this spring.

We know that closing our schools will have a significant impact on our families and we will continue to work with our community partners to identify support services and resources.  We are facing an unprecedented public health crisis in our community and state.  In light of Governor Polis' declaration of a state of emergency in Colorado and the growing number of confirmed cases in Colorado, we are taking this action to protect the public health.  We will send follow-up communications with additional information about food service, support resources, and other updates as soon as we receive them.  

Our goal is always to protect the safety, health and wellness of our students, staff, and families.  Amid the uncertainty and fear that this pandemic brings, our strength as a community is our greatest asset.  We can work together to protect each other and slow the progression of COVID-19.  We will continue to remain in contact with public health officials, elected leaders, and fellow school districts and keep you updated with new information as it becomes available.  We thank you for your support and partnership in this effort.

Weld RE-5J School District