1:1 iPad Initiative - Milliken Middle School

In the fall of 2013, the Weld RE-5J School District began the 1:1 iPad Initiative.  The 1:1 iPad initiative is that student across the district in grades 4-12 has access to an iPad, both at home and school, to utilize for educational purposes.
Additionally, every student in grades K-3 has access through a classroom cart.  These iPad carts are kept in the classroom and managed by the teacher to use as a resource to aid with instruction.
Throughout the iPad Initiative the amount of curriculum available electronically for student use has grown.  Students in high school access science and social studies books through the iPads.  In middle school, students utilize online curriculum resources for math, science and social studies.  At the elementary math instruction is enhanced with iPad tools as well as an online curriculum for 4th and 5th grade social studies.
The iPads are also used to ease in the administration of both local and state assessments, such as Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS), NWEA, Dibels, etc.
At all levels across the districts utilize a variety of apps that enhance learning such as the suite of Google Applications and other digital tools as determined by the teacher.