Career and Technical Education

Ag Welding

Weld RE-5J School District is continuously expanding opportunities for students. Our Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways empower learners to discover their passions and talents through real- world experiences which connect learning to life. From elementary school through to graduation day, Weld RE-5J students are preparing for success, wherever their dreams may take them:

  • Whether that is through further training
  • College, Community College, Trade School
  • Degree
  • Industry Certifications
  • Apprenticeships
  • Or by earning industry certifications in high school

Discover your path!

Career and Technical Education (CTE) provides students with the academic knowledge and technical skills they need to gain entry into high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand industries.  CTE offers work-based learning experiences with hands-on learning with real-world scenarios to prepare students for the workforce or college.

Overall Goal / Outcome of CTE

To provide quality educational programs emphasizing core academic content, Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR) competencies, technical skills, and seamless transition to further education or employment and better prepare students, including special populations to meet challenges of the workforce, economic development, and emerging occupations.

Commitment to Excellence

Weld RE-5J is committed to providing students state approved CTE programs as they progess towards their career pathway. Therefore, we work hand in hand with the Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Community College System, Colorado Career and Technical Education, industry and postsecondary institutions to help guide us in the development and design of existing and expanded quality CTE programs and facilities.

Components of a quality CTE program include instruction that:

  • Aligns to workforce needs and economic priorities.
  • Aligns with secondary/postsecondary program of study.
  • Integrates with career and technical student organizations.
  • Provides career advisement and development.
  • Provides equity and access to CTE programs.
  • Integrates work-based learning.
  • Reviews and reflects on program data to make informed decisions with the guidance of advisory boards.
  • Employs instructors that are certified and credentialed by the state of Colorado.